UNE NORTH Professional Science Masters Theses | UNE NORTH | University of New England

The University of New England (UNE) Professional Science Masters (PSM) in Ocean Food Systems is the first of its kind international education and training program that comprehensively examines the growing interactions between fisheries, aquaculture and the seafood trade, especially in the North Atlantic as it undergoes rapid climate change. Graduates are poised to be leaders in understanding and facilitating the complex social contracts – inclusive of all stakeholders and decision makers – for ocean food systems to thrive in the coming Ocean Century.


Theses/Dissertations from 2021


Investigating Larval Spillover From Oyster Aquaculture Through Geospatial Habitat Suitability Index Modeling: A Damariscotta River Estuary Case Study, Daniel F. Delago


Analyzing The Potential Of Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis In Identifying The Effects Of Freezing In Atlantic Sea Scallop Products (Placopecten Magellanicus), Joseph Ehrhard


Adding Value Through Sustainability: Incentivizing An Ecosystem Approach To Oyster Aquaculture In Maine, Samuel Feldman


The Waste Management Of Large-Scale Recirculating Aquaculture Systems And Potential Value-Added Products From The Waste Stream, Franco R. Pilone


Adopting Principles Of Food Justice For Equitable Oyster Aquaculture Industry Development, Cristina Sandolo


Green Economics: Assessing The Feasibility Of A New England Green Crab (Carcinus Maenas) Fishery Through Fishermen Perspectives, William L. Walter

Theses/Dissertations from 2020


Adapting Biotoxin Monitoring For The Future: An Opportunity For A Harmful Algae Bloom (HAB) Network In Casco Bay, Maine, Zachary B. Gordon


Building Value Through Innovative Eucheuma spp. Product Development: A Case Study With The Belize Women's Seaweed Farming Association, Bailey Moritz


Cultivating Cooperatives: Benefits And Challenges Of Co-Ops And Recommendations For Maine’s Emerging Aquaculture Industries, Phoebe Walsh