The Factors Affecting Undergraduate Retention Among Minority Adult Learners


The Factors Affecting Undergraduate Retention Among Minority Adult Learners


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20 minute virtual presentation given by Dianna Montfort, UNE Doctorate of Education Class of 2019, on June 15, 2019, for the UNE College of Graduate and Professional Studies' Virtual Research Symposium.

Publication Date



Educational Leadership

Physical Description of Original

Original file (available here as supplemental file) is a PowerPoint file with embedded audio.

Related Materials

Dianna's UNE Ed.D. dissertation, The Factors Affecting Undergraduate Retention Among Minority Adult Learners, is also available in DUNE:


Dr. Dianna R. Montfort serves as an Adjunct Professor and Sr. Academic Advisor at Columbia College-Orlando. She holds a Bachelor’s degree in Communication Studies with a minor in Marketing along with a Master’s in Human Resources Development respectfully from Indiana State University, and a Doctorate in Educational Leadership from the University of New England. Beyond the accolades and acknowledgments she knows that without God nothing is possible and that these things are mere gifts from God. She has been in higher education for more than six years, and in nonprofit for more than 10 years. Her research interests include adult learner education, retention, student success, and diversity inclusion. In her free time she enjoys watching movies, listening to music, and relaxing with family. Dianna reside in Orlando, FL with her husband.

The Factors Affecting Undergraduate Retention Among Minority Adult Learners
