Art Galleries | University of New England Research | DUNE: DigitalUNE
Art Galleries

The Art Gallery, designed by Thomas Larson and built in 1977, is located on the University of New England’s Portland, Maine, Campus. The Gallery holds five exhibitions annually, ranging from contemporary fine art photography and international themes to works by women and Maine artists, in a variety of mediums. Educational programs are held for the benefit of UNE faculty, staff and students as well as the larger community throughout the calendar year. The Art Gallery also houses a permanent collection of paintings, drawings, photographs and sculpture by nationally and internationally known artists. Selections are shown on a rotating basis as well as in special exhibitions every 3rd year. The Art Gallery holds an Annual Sculpture Garden Invitational from June through October, and also arranges exhibitions at other locations throughout the university. The Gallery’s grounds also host a permanent labyrinth installation.


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