A Multidisciplinary Approach for the Management of Allergy Induced Asthma in a Child



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Our case followed a 6 year old female diagnosed with allergen-induced asthma at age 4. She had been experiencing a persistent cough, dyspnea on exertion, and fatigue since her parents moved to a rural area five months ago. She had a severe exacerbation and was evaluated by pediatric teams at the regional hospital and multiple urgent cares. Her treatment included an inhaled corticosteroid, leukotriene inhibitor, antihistamine, short-acting beta-agonist, and steroid. Her mother was concerned as she had been falling asleep frequently at school, developed mouth sores, and her face becoming rounder. To address Charlotte’s needs and her family’s concerns, we are taking a multidisciplinary approach to her case. Overall, competencies of telecollaboration, motivational interviewing and communication skills were key factors in tackling this case. Telecollaboration has a lot of nuisances, and it is important to consider ethics heavily when working online. We were able to see first-hand what is like to have a back-up plan if things go wrong, how to help troubleshoot the computer, and that there are certain limitations to this form of collaboration. Motivational Interviewing was an important component of what we got to learn during this experience, we got to practice using open questions, affirmation, reflective listening and summarizing it all for the patient. All in all, this was a very valuable experience that allowed us the opportunity to grow and become better future providers.

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Allergy and Immunology | Counselor Education | Dental Public Health and Education | Elementary Education | Interprofessional Education | Medical Pathology | Medical Pharmacology | Medical Physiology | Patient Safety | Respiratory Tract Diseases


© 2024 The Authors


Sarah Trent: College of Osteopathic Medicine

Kimberly Pough: College of Public Health

Hannah Bruce Opris: College of Dental Medicine

A Multidisciplinary Approach for the Management of Allergy Induced Asthma in a Child
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