Interprofessional Collaboration Exercise: Analyzing/Addressing Health Disparities in Rural Maine​



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This presentation will aim to discuss the barriers that immigrant populations in rural Maine face while accessing health care and the strengths an interprofessional health care team and framework can have to address these health barriers. Our case will focus specifically on a patient who works multiple jobs, experiences multiple health issues, under strenuous living circumstances. We will also discuss what it means to live under DACA and access health care in Maine. Integrating social determinants of health in a patient-centered, interprofessional healthcare model is the way to improve health outcomes for Immigrant populations in the U.S.

Publication Date

Spring 4-7-2024


Interprofessional Education


© 2024 The Authors


Vasiliki Patsiogiainnis, MPH, OMS-1, University of New England College of Osteopathic Medicine

Christopher Keck, MS, OMS-1, University of New England College of Osteopathic Medicine

Jordyn Tullock, BA, University of New England, University of New England: Health, Wellness, and Occupational Studies

Interprofessional Collaboration Exercise: Analyzing/Addressing Health Disparities in Rural Maine​
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