The Blanket Project: Building Community Through Comfort



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This presentation focuses on an interprofessional collaborative service-learning project involving a team of Nursing and Social Work students from the University of New England. Teamwork, dedication, and collaboration between students and faculty enabled the creation of fifteen no-sew fleece blankets with accompanying laminated note cards that included inspirational messages as well as a list of community resources to support individuals in need. Blanket packages were delivered to Preble Street donation center, then distributed to the marginalized communities within Portland, Maine. This service-learning opportunity aimed to immerse us in the community to provide valuable support while promoting emotional, physical, and mental health.

Publication Date

Spring 2022


Interprofessional Education | Medicine and Health Sciences | Mental and Social Health | Nursing


The authors were UNE students in the following programs when this project was conducted: Sorbello, Nursing; Christman, Nursing; Dumont, Nursing; Inniss, Nursing; Seemann, Nursing

The Blanket Project: Building Community Through Comfort
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