Addressing Social Needs of Rural Long COVID Patients



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Our study focuses on the social implications and role of healthcare accessibility in the treatment of Long-Haul COVID-19, specifically in the rural setting. Referred to as Long COVID, this chronic condition broadly covers a variety of symptoms experienced by those long after the initial recovery from acute sickness with COVID-19; and it is now recognized with an ICD-10 code classification. Anecdotal evidence shows a lack of social support, empathy, and resources available for individuals suffering from Long COVID in rural areas. Based on a multi-disciplinary standardized patient experience, the project focuses on social needs requiring intervention and the manner in which different scopes of medical professionals can target these issues.

Publication Date

Fall 2022


Interprofessional Education


Shepherd, Osteopathic Medicine

Mendola, Osteopathic Medicine

Otero, Accelerated Nursing

Haugen, Accelerated Nursing

Evans, Pharmacy

Russell, Physicians Assistant

Addressing Social Needs of Rural Long COVID Patients
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