"Incivility In Accelerated Bachelor Of Science In Nursing Programs Post" by Kimberly A. Burrows

Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Education (EdD)



First Advisor

Ian Menchini

Second Advisor

Kristie Morin


This qualitative phenomenological study explored the lived experiences of nursing faculty who taught in accelerated Bachelor of Science in nursing (ABSN) programs and their perceptions of incivility in nursing programs, particularly in the aftermath of the 2019 Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) restrictions. This researcher defined incivility as rude, discourteous, disruptive, or threatening speech or action within the nursing academic environment. Drawing upon the literature highlighting the existence of incivility in nursing programs, this researcher aimed to understand faculty perceptions following the pandemic. The data was collected through eight semi-structured interviews with eight nursing faculty members in New Jersey-based hybrid and in-person ABSN programs. Three main themes emerged: defining incivility, the effects of incivility on faculty, and interventions to reduce incivility. Subthemes within these themes highlighted various aspects of incivility, its impacts on faculty professionally and personally, and proposed strategies for intervention. This researcher in the study used Clark’s (2009) continuum of incivility as a conceptual framework and Weiner’s (1986) attribution theory to interpret the participants’ perceptions of incivility causality. The findings present the importance of addressing incivility in nursing education and its implications for faculty retention and student learning. Recommendations for action include (a) developing clear policies on incivility and (b) fostering a culture of civility and respect within academic environments. Future researchers should explore faculty-to-faculty incivility and replicate the study on a national scale to gain comprehensive understanding of incivility in nursing after the lifting of COVID-19 restrictions.


Ed.D. Dissertation

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