Student-led Mini-Grants | University of New England Research | DUNE: DigitalUNE

The Interprofessional Education Collaborative (IPEC) provides opportunities for UNE students to complete interprofessional projects via student-led mini-grants. Students apply for grants and use the awards to create projects which advance knowledge of subjects such as interprofessional learning, health promotion, program evaluation, health policy and advocacy, health and wellness research, and clinical practice.


Browse the Student-led Mini-Grants Collections:

2014 Interprofessional Student Advisory Team (IPSAT) Case Competition

Caring For Older Adults In Rural Maine

Compassionate Touch

Homeless Needs Assessment

Immigrant and Refugee Family Wellness Engagement Through Yoga and Zumba

Interprofessional Education Pain Initiative

Maine Partners For Health In Africa

PEP Program Investigation With Men's Lacrosse Team

Photovoice: A Visual Narrative Into The Lives Of Maine Refugee Women

Should I Say Something

UNE Flu Crew

Visual Voices: An Arts-Based Assessment of the Perceived Identity of Aging Maine Residents