Should I Say Something? Implications of health professionals offering health information outside the workplace. | Student-led Mini-Grants | University of New England

Health professionals are often the first to notice a decline in health status of a fellow human being, yet many professionals report feeling conflicted about offering health information or advice to someone who is not expecting it. These works are the result of an event which reviewed the ethical, legal and practical implications of offering unsolicited health information; touched on several dangerous, visible medical conditions that many Americans unknowingly live with; and explored communication barriers and caveats through group discussion. Fictional scenarios with “what-if” variations prompted discussion, and guests with practical experience were present.


Items from 2013


Should I Say Something? Whether to Offer Unsolicited Health Information Inside and Outside the Workplace as a Healthcare Professional, Nicholas Church


Should I Say Something? Whether to Offer Unsolicited Health Information Inside and Outside the Workplace as a Healthcare Professional - Flyer, Nicholas Church


Should I Say Something? Whether to Offer Unsolicited Health Information Inside and Outside the Workplace as a Healthcare Professional - Presentation Video, Nicholas Church