"A Data Analysis Of Emotional Intelligence Interventions With Third Yea" by Frank Bailey

Date of Award



© 2021 Frank Bailey

Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Education (EdD)



First Advisor

Ella Benson

Second Advisor

Ashwini Wagle

Third Advisor

Janet Bayleran


The purpose of this quasi-experimental study was to conduct a comprehensive evaluation of a 10-exercise emotional intelligence (EI) series composed of exercises from the Lynn Leadership group in third-year medical students, taught over one year. This study sought to assess the education’s efficacy as evidenced by the change in the overall EI score. The overarching aim of the 10-exercise EI series was to offset the decline in medical student empathy during the clinical years; empathy undergirds the EI construct of social awareness. The data were collected from medical student cohorts in their third year Core Clerkships at a Northeastern United States hospital and affiliated institutions from 2016-2019. The Management Performance Solutions EI assessment was deployed electronically and collected at specified pre-, mid-, and postintervention stages. The analysis included the mean and statistical testing of a difference in each domain’s overall score measurements at these three stages. Findings from the research determined that this 10-exercise EI series increases social awareness in third-year medical students. The increase in social awareness scores was statistically significant (p < 0.05) across all three cohorts. The findings contribute to the knowledge gap in the literature on EI and its use in undergraduate medical education programs. These implications are that this targeted EI intervention may be used with other healthcare professionals to replicate or improve upon this study’s findings.


Ed.D. Dissertation

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