"Examining The Delivery Methods Of Current Content And Curriculum For R" by Daniel Barrancotta

Date of Award



© 2021 Daniel Barrancotta

Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Education (EdD)



First Advisor

Lori Sanchez

Second Advisor

Sharese Pearson-Bush

Third Advisor

Matthew Vermette


This qualitative-interpretive, phenomenological analysis study describes the lived experiences of police officers, their training programs and their educational relationships with academy instructors and field training officers. The focus was not on content material, but rather the delivery methods of the curriculum, in an attempt to provide training programs that improve transference of knowledge for increased learning and job preparedness. This research study showed that a lack of knowledge and understanding of andragogy for police academy instructors and field training officers is creating a limited learning environment for recruit police officers. Without the knowledge and ability to use better forms of instruction, police academy instructors and field training officers have leaned heavily on PowerPoint-based lectures and using recruit police officers' failures as the primary mode of instruction after the fact. There is, however, a clear desire from the participants of this study to improve their skills as educators, create more opportunities for practice, and further develop mentorship possibilities. This research also makes it clear that the participants desire an opportunity to practice the skills they are learning, that there are important mentorship and leadership opportunities for police academy instructors and field training officers, and that completing a higher education degree program prior to attending the police academy may help foster learning and graduation from the police academy.


Ed.D. Dissertation
