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Audrey White (Beyer), Class of 1937, climbs the steps to Alumni Hall in this photograph entitled "An Old Door Opens Anew" by Jackson-White photography studio, Portland, Maine. Audrey White Beyer (1916-1985) authored historical novels for young adults. She was born in Portland and lived in Cape Elizabeth. Beyer graduated from Westbrook Junior College in 1937 and received her A.B. in 1939 from the University of Maine. She was a teacher of English at Westbrook Junior College from 1939 to 1943; from 1956 until 1974 she taught English at various academies in Massachusetts. In 1960, Westbrook Junior College gave Beyer its first Tower Award for Alumnae Achievement.


Sepia photograph



Creation Date


Location of Original

Westbrook College History Collection


Audrey White Beyer

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