
A single Westbrook Junior College student sits at a chemistry bench within the Alumni Hall chemistry laboratory in this Wendell White Studio (Portland, Maine) photograph. The student works with a bunsen burner. Chemical bottles stoppered with eye glass droppers line the shelving unit to the student's left. A periodic table is just visible over the row of chemical bottles.
Black and white photograph
Location of Original
Westbrook College History Collection
Size of Original
10 inches x 8 1/8 inches
Preferred Citation
Studio, Wendell White,"Chemistry Laboratory, Alumni Hall, Westbrook Junior College, late 1950s" (late 1950s). University of New England, Westbrook College History Collection.
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Fair use: You do not need permission to use this material for personal research, in-class teaching purposes, school projects and assignments, blog posts or other non-commercial purposes. Proper citation is required.
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late 1950s