""Beach Day", Westbrook Junior College Students at Crescent Beach, Fall"


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Students from the Class of 1970 enjoy a version of soccer at Crescent Beach, early in the Fall Semester 1969. The tradition of declaring a holiday for a day at the beach had become very popular with both students and faculty. Identified in this candid photograph are Susan McIntosh (in the plaid shirt at left), Gay Lundwall (in a bikini with twin ponytails and bows), Susan Bliss (at back in center in white shirt), Cynthia Curtis (in light colored shirt and jeans, running) and Mercedes Mangowang (in bikini at far right). The others are yet to be identified.


Black and white photograph




Size of Original

10 inches x 8 1/8 inches


Susan McIntosh, Gay Lundwall, Susan Bliss, Cynthia Curtis, Mercedes Mangowang

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Crescent Beach, Westbrook Junior College



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