A Westbrook Junior College / Westbrook College medical technology student sits at a laboratory bench in this late 1960s, early 1970s black and white photograph. The young woman wears a short-sleeve, white jersey top and has a bandana around her head. Directly in front of the student, on the laboratory bench is a bunsen burner, a round bottom flask on a heating square, a rack of test tubes, two test tube holder tongs, and papers and lab manual. To the student's left, the shelves and lab bench are filled with chemical bottles and containers.
Black and white photograph
Size of Original
7 inches x 5 1/16 inches
Preferred Citation
"Medical Technology Student at Laboratory Bench, Westbrook College, 1970s" (late 1960s, early 1970s). University of New England, Westbrook College History Collection.
late 1960s, early 1970s