Exploring the Interprofessional Healthcare Approach to Long COVID



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Poster representing the collaboration of students from different healthcare disciplines as part of a tele-health base simulation. In the simulation, the students took on the roles of primary care outreach team members and worked closely with the patient, a woman named Amanda suffering from long COVID, to determine the next steps in her care. The team members spoke to the patient and her partner in order to gain a better understanding of the patient's health, perspective, and the impact of her symptoms on her daily life.

Publication Date

Spring 2023


Interprofessional Education


The authors were UNE and Rosalind Franklin University students in the following programs when this research was conducted: Valerie Shay, Allopathic Medicine, Rosalind Franklin University; Aya Zeabi, Osteopathic Medicine (COM), UNE; Gabriel DeOliveira, Osteopathic Medicine (COM), UNE; Stuart Howard, Nursing (ABSN), UNE.

Exploring the Interprofessional Healthcare Approach to Long COVID
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